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Andy Taylor ACS

Dates: Early 2025

Enquiries: 0412 481144 or email

Venue: Australian Cinematographers Society HQ North Sydney

* Limited spaces - $450 per person *

An interactive, hands-on camera workshop with one of Australia’s most experienced and respected cinematographers where you will be introduced to a range of techniques and practical skills.

Designed for students, aspiring cinematographers and filmmakers working at any level.


  1. Getting started in the Film and TV industry - how to break in and investing in the right equipment.

  2. The basics of photography - aperture, shutter speed, ISO, sensors, focus, depth of field, aspect ratios and more.....

  3. Picture composition and camera movement – shot size, eye-lines, camera position, angles, perspective and motivation.

  4. Understanding camera settings – sensors, resolution, frame rates, shortcuts, codecs, log, raw and LUT’s.

  5. Know your gear – specifications, features, menus, shortcuts, ergonomics, accessories, and limitations.

  6. Lens choices – cine and stills lenses, primes, zooms, macros, focal lengths, f-stops, filters, mounts, and adaptors.

  7. Shooting styles and camera support options: tripod, handheld, gimbal, easy-rig, dolly, jib and crane.

  8. Accessories and grip - mounts, monitors, transmitters, lights, batteries, timecode, basic audio, and cases.

  9. Investing in the right equipment - specs, accessories, reliability, compatibility, and future proofing.

  10. Things to consider when choosing a location - the space, backgrounds, light, audio and access.

  11. Shooting single and multi-camera coverage for interviews, sequences, and b-roll. Crossing the line and matching shots.

  12. Lighting equipment and techniques - various fixtures and modifiers, harnessing available light and delivering great results.

  13. Planning your shoot and being prepared for anything that’s thrown at you - expect the unexpected!

  14. Drone cinematography - tips and tricks - where can you fly, do you need a license and is it legal and safe?

  15. One man band work (without a soundo) mic selection, placement, wind, background noise, slates and timecode.

  16. Equipment finance, insurance, and public liability, permits and authorisations – do you need it and what does it cost?

  17. Monitoring, data wrangling and viewing rushes - what the producer, director and editor appreciate and expect.

  18. Traveling with gear and filming in hostile environments - war zones, civil unrest and natural disasters.

  19. Working as a freelancer - where to start, setting your rates and how to find and maintaining good clients.

  20. Master the technical and creative, develop skills, confidence, courage and the right attitude - listen and be nice!

Andy is an accredited member of the the Australian Cinematographers Society and was inducted into the ACS Hall of Fame in 2024. He has completed an Advanced Certificate in Film & TV Production and a Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training. Recently he presented workshops for the cinematography students at AFTRS and Macquarie University, plus cinematography and sound Masterclasses for the ACS, Canon Australia, Kayell and Sennheiser. Andy is CASA certified drone pilot and holds a Remote Pilots Licence and Remote Operators Certificate (RePL & ReOC).

Other courses Andy has completed over the years include:

  • Battlefield Survival, Hostile Environments and First Aid with the British Army.

  • Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Warfare course with the Australian Army.

  • Hostile Environment Awareness Training with AKE and Dynamiq Global.

  • Advanced First Aid with St John Ambulance.

  • Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.

  • Bushfire Training with the NSW RFS.

  • Work Safely at Heights with Pinnacle Safty and Training.

  • Performance Management with the ABC.

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